Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Christmas is almost here!!! Although it’s not nearly as fun when your older versus a kid. But love getting together with family. And the most important, celebrating a very important birthday!!

My Favorite Christmas movie of all time is THE GRINCH & POLAR EXPRESS. I bet I wouldn't even watch any other Christmas movie if it was on.


Hope everyone gets what they wished for. I hope this Christmas I get what every girl wants/dreams of….we shall see!!!




Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I will be leaving my husband to go to New York with my mom and sister to see my new Niece!!!!  My brother is a Chiropractor. Can’t wait to get adjusted!!


Anywhooo, right now I am at work on break eating chicken tortilla soup from Max & Erma's. I love it, I wish I could make it at home. Anyone have any good recipes to make this soup??

I don't really have much to blog about lately. I’m kind of down n depressed but HOPEFULLY by Tuesday next week I will be happy again or less stressed. Hint(have a doctors appt on Monday)



we shall seee!!!



Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I love when the weather gets cold and I can drink hot chocolate.

My Favorite brand is Swiss Miss milk chocolate.

Winter time is so fun when is snowing around our neighborhood!! everyone has quads and bikes and everyone is just out walking. Last year was awesome. I did post pics of it so you can check those out!!!

A couple restaurants even had emergency menu’s where you could only order fish or chicken and two sides. Mostly all other eating places where closed..BUT Wal-Mart sure was open!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My Pictures are kind of blurry and that’s because they are off my phone sorry!!

But here are two of my babies…

Mr. Clyde



Ms. Bonnie


and aweee..

bonnie and cylde


Clyde loves to cuddle 24/7 to the point he is bothering me LOL He also bothers us when we are sleeping!!! hate that!!! Where ever I am, he is, 98% of the time LOL…he lays on your chest, side it doesn't matter how your laying he will be on you somehow!! 

Bonnie is so sweet not as cuddly as Clyde but she loves to be petted and sometimes you will find her sneaking up in bed to bother us as well LOL!!


clyde 3 

bonnie  2

Take my advice…


Never work with your dad/mom….as in they are your boss..SOMETIMES it just doesn't work out!! GAHHHH

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Please Pray For Baby MAX!!

I came across this poor little guy when ready BusyBudgetingMama's Blog.You can find his story here. please send prayers their way in this time of need!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010



Hector The Chihuahua


Well we found him around our neighbor, couldn't find the owner and no one was out looking him no signs no nothing. Finally we started asking around our neighbor and came about a house in an ally that claims this dog is theirs…They also had a pit-bull tied up in the yard. SO we gave them the dog and the next day it was lose again and of course it came right to us. Hector was eaten by fleas fleas fleas. So we got him medicine and kept him for awhile still no asked about him or anything so we went to the owners and ask do you even want this dog, and they DIDNT!!

Why wouldn't you want this sweet dog!! He was a lover and a loved to cuddle. Just look at him on my bed!!

hector 2



I miss him. I wish I could of kept him!! Needless to say we did find him a good home with an older couple that were dog lovers. They had mini yorkie. We went to her house far away from where I live and I felt so much better that Hector was going to have a new life and BETTER life!! This lady still calls us today to let us know how hector is doing!! I love it, and it makes my heart melt knowing that he is going to be loved and not left to fend for himself!!

Pork Tenderloin Dinner

Yesterday for Dinner I made Teriyaki flavored pork tenderloin with green beans and garlic mash potatoes. Feeds about 3 people. To make the whole meal cost about $6 all from a store called ALDI’s. I don't know if there are any around you but it’s great since I switched my grocery shopping to here from Wal-Mart  I save about $60-90 bucks!! Yes ALDI’s is cheaper than Wal-Mart and the foods are great(some generic brands)


I have to tell you I also made apple crisp from http://thebusybudgetingmama.blogspot. It was delicious and really sweet!! You have to try it.

You can find the recipe here:  http://thebusybudgetingmama.blogspot.com/search/label/apple%20crisp

Look at this evil face!! LOL

Picture 030

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


LOL I had a flat tire this morning!! AHHH. My Hubby changed it in 5-10 minutes so I wasn’t that late for work but he was really late. oops!

On a good note, I get to watch Teen mom today. I love that show, just to see how teens parent and everything about having a newborn at a young age. I have my opinions about some of them but I'll keep that to myself haha :-]!!

Two more days till the weekend!! I Love Fridays(After 4), Saturdays, and Sundays!!!

I am starting to think I am addicted to coffee….YUMM but only in the morning. I'm not the type to drink it all day either just in the morning for some reason and only one cup!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My Favorite Candles are…


Swan Creek Candle Pumpkin Vanilla 24 Oz Candle

Also, it has to be these brands. Yankee Candle and Swan Creek Candle Co. I love these two scents, you will only find these scents and ONLY these scents in my house. They are my absolute favorite. Didn’t know i could like a certain scent of a candle so much that i have to only have that kind burning in my house LOL. It just gives me that sense of a warm, comfy, yummy food, lived in, country home feel!! I LOVE ITTT.


Here are some pictures of the snow last year. We had lots, even hit records.

Picture 044This would be a random car^ Just what you would see walking down the road LOL

Picture 039When we opened our garage door LOL ^

Picture 040

Can’t see the road^

Picture 041

That would be me^ My hubby made me wear that orange thing since my coat was white LOL got to love him!!..Notice the car buried in the background LOL


Here are some pictures of my Bitty Boy. He is very sweet to us but not to others. LOL if he doesn't know you then he doesn't like you at first that is or maybe forever. He is very protective over me and my mom!! He is with me 24/7

Picture 020  

Picture 011

Picture 012

don't mind the mess^^ LOL

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sunday’s are usually our cleaning day, i mean really cleaning!! AND lately they have turned into Lazy days and Monday has become the new cleaning day. LOL

My family and my neighbors back home love to go kayaking. My one neighbors Mark and Robin loved Kayaking so much that Mark made a blog about kayaking and his trips. Here are some photos from on of our trips down the Kiski River.

His blog is http://rambleonthewater.blogspot.com/


CIMG3132CIMG3133 CIMG3134 My Neighbor Robin Below CIMG3142 CIMG3150

Please notice my mom and her friend are pulling me with a rope LOL ^^^^^CIMG3154

PS. Mark is the camera man, that’s why he isn't in any of these photos. LOL

Thursday, September 16, 2010


My Brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl yesterday. They live in New York, so can’t wait to go see them. They named her Ella!!

That means I’m the last one to have kids BLAHHH and I was the last one to get married also!! IM ALWAYS LAST, i have to be first at something right?? LOL


Will Post pictures later, although I have no followers so I don't know who will actually see the pics LOL




Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Everyone, my co-worker has an Etsy shop, she does beautiful jewelry!!

Check it out http://www.etsy.com/shop/btmbeadworks


I am having baby fever today.

Look at all these cute crib bedding sets:

baby boy bedding

Jolie Jungle 8-Piece Crib Bedding Set - Triboro Quilt Mfg Co  - Babies"R"Us

They are sooo cute! I think it would be so much fun to turn a room into a nursey


Today is only Tuesday, wish it was Friday!! :-]

Just wanted to let everyone know that my friend Ashley Phelps does Photography in the Pittsburgh area if anyone is interested. She’s new but really good. She has a lot of her pictures on facebook if you want to take a look!

Also heard of another great photographer called Bothell Photography, that is really great  and cheap, about $75 a session. Check them out too, they have a website too.

You can find both of them on facebook!!


Blog back soon, off to a meeting!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fried Perogies! YUMM

-Box of perogies
-Olive Oil

First put half olive oil and half butter in the pan (taste better to me when frying) Let it heat up!

Then add perogies and flip each side until they are brown and crispy. While they are getting brown and crispy add the garlic.

When brown and crispy sprinkle breadcrumbs all over and then sprinkle cheese all over. Let it sit until the cheese melts and then its ready to serve.

You can also add onions if you like. You would cook and brown those first.

REALLY simple and really good!! A+ from hubby!!


Best day of the work week!!!

can’t chat today really busy!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cabin and Cambra

Meet my niece and nephew!!

0706100915arandom pictures 006

Brother/Sister LOVE

random pictures 014


I deleted my old blog because at first i didn't know what i was doing. Now i kind of got the hang of it!!

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