Monday, June 4, 2012


I first started this blog because I loved reading other peoples blogs. Then as I started posting I kept thinking who really cares what I'm writing, is anyone even reading this, my life is boring. That being said I haven't blogged since I became pregnant back in December/January! Now I feel like I want to start blogging, but NOW all I have to talk about is being a mother. LOL

I am now a stay at home mom and will most likely blog when my daughter is sleeping, She is now 8 months old. Time flies!!

Being a stay at home mom is really challenging financially. I was wondering if anyone had any GOOD tips on how to budget.

Sadly Aubrie can only go to sleep with her bottle. I can only blame myself for starting this bad habit. Now I really need to break it!! I believe in Dr. Sears method rather than The Ferber method-just my opinion. BUT I once did try The Ferber method and my daughter got so upset she puked everywhere and starting to choke on her throw up from then on I promised my daughter and myself we would never try that again!! She also has severe separation anxiety- Its me and her all day without a car to get out. My husband will be upstairs with her and I will go down to do laundry she will sit at the top of the stairs and cry and cry and cry until I come back up! As sweet as it is to know that she wants me and I make her feel better or whatever the case may be- I need to nip this in the bud somehow?????

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